Foxtrot - among the largest employers of Ukraine-2018 and # 1 - in the electronics trade industry

Foxtrot became one of the largest Ukrainian companies - sellers of household appliances and electronics, which was included in the official rating of the 200 largest employers of Ukraine in 2018, compiled by the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine 

The retailer took 72nd place in the general list of 100 Ukrainian companies and 10th place in the trade industry, ranking 1st among electronics retailers. The companies with the largest number of employees who accrued and paid salaries above the minimum, except for state and municipal enterprises financed from the state budget, were taken into account. 

“In 2018, the general trend only strengthened, that not companies choose employees, but people - companies where they are comfortable working,” says Elena Lagotskaya, HR director of the Foxtrot brand. - The top lines in the official and unofficial ratings of employers demonstrate that Foxtrot has strengthened its position as a company that has common values with employees. 

This year, the retailer has updated and expanded the geography of the updated stores with 30 stores, thus creating new jobs throughout the country. For training and staff development, 86 trainings were conducted for 950 participants, including 13 for 159 managers at all levels 

«Creating a successful leading company begins with professional recruitment, use and support of personnel,” comments Valery Makovetsky, head of the FOXTROT Group of Companies, chairman of the supervisory board Foxtrot. “The Foxtrot family is not the founders or top managers, it’s about 5,000 talented people working“ in the fields ”who understand the company's development strategy and tactics, creating benchmarks of customer service services online, offline and in post-sales support». 

Reference: the network of home appliances and electronics Foxtrot at the end of 2018 has 162 stores in 90 regional and district centers of Ukraine. The total commercial area of objects is 153 thousand square meters. Multichannel retailer Foxtrot is the absolute leader in the category of household appliances stores in terms of brand awareness, visits and purchases (81.2% according to TNS Ukraine, MMI 2018/1. Central Asia: All 20-55 revenue + +). The number of participants in the Fox Club loyalty program as of October 2018 reached 8 million users. 

FOXTROT Group of Companies develops Foxtrot brands. Appliances for the home, "Tehnoshara" (retail household and electronic equipment), "Secunda" (hour retail), as well as DEPO't Center and Fantasy Town (property management in GK FOXROT). Valeriy Makovetsky and Gennady Vykhodtsev are leading the FOXTROT Group.

GCFdevelops brands