Retail industry celebrated its professional holiday

​And the executive director of the trade network "Foxtrot" Vyacheslav Povroznik awarded a diploma "For significant contributions to the development of domestic business and for personal professionalism"

July 25, 2014 representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, Ukrainian trade unions, Association of enterprises of home appliances and electronics, and Kiev National Trade and Economic University joined the meeting on "The Path to European Integration: Trade mainstream." To talk on this subject came representatives of governments, trade and industrial companies, businesses, non-governmental organizations of trade, producers, consumers, scientific and expert institutions, and the media.

The event is dedicated to the Day of Trade. Congratulated those present rector of Kiev National Trade and Economic University Anatoly Mazaraki, and the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Pavlo Sheremeta, who in his opening speech said that support for entrepreneurship - an important task of the government.

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on entrepreneurship regulatory and antimonopoly policy, MP Alexander Kuzhel handed diplomas to the best representatives of trading branch. Among the awardees - executive director of the trade network "Foxtrot" Vyacheslav Povroznik who received a charter "For significant contributions to the development of domestic business and for personal professionalism."
- It is very pleasant to receive this award as a quintessential professional achievement of all employees, - Said Vyacheslav Povroznik. - "Foxtrot" is actively was preparing for celebration of the Day of Trade and prepared for retail employees and customers important sectorial innovation - issued a handbook for merchants: "Marking of household appliances and electronics."

This guide will soon appear in the consumer corners in our stores and sellers will become an assistant in consultation buyers.

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