Personal competence, which we appreciate

We understand that the success of GC "Foxtrot" depends on the professionalism, personal and business competences of employees. Thus, a careful recruitment process, system training and staff development in the company are essential factors for the success of our company! So, what are the personal qualities and competence of our staff help to grow, develop and achieve their performance goals?

According to our values, each employee in the company encourages and develops in himself, as well as in others, such personal jurisdiction:


I accept corporate methods and procedures. I follow the rules of the company. I make decisions in accordance with the priorities and goals of the company.

Learning ability and motivation for the development

I am open to new knowledge and changes in my activities, striving for rapid assimilation of new information, able to give up unproductive stereotypes. I understand my areas of development and if necessary I request additional resources for this purpose. When performing work tasks I set high standards for own accomplishments I try to achieve them, by applying own working methods.

Self-sufficiency and accountability for results
I take responsibility for my actions, set clear goals and perspectives. I track progress in achieving the goals, provide feedback and quickly react to the problems associated with the quality of the tasks.

Analysis and evaluation of problems

I collect qualitative data to analyze the problem, structure and organize components of the problem, define the relationship and time sequence of cause and effect; I define the possible consequences of the problem and inform about it.

Decision-making and initiative

I take the initiative and accept responsibility for difficult decisions in a situation in uncertain circumstances. I strive to do more than it is required in work, without waiting for external guidance and requests; my actions are aimed at improving performance, to avoid problems, search, or create new opportunities.

Teamwork and cooperation

I strive for cooperation and to be part of a unified team rather than alone or in competition with anyone. I always offer aid, information and other assistance to other team members in order to establish and maintain a relationship with them.

Organization and planning

I know how to organize and plan events / activities / resources, know how to determine and control the timing and results. I am guided by the most effective results with minimum amount of time and money.


I'm the manager of middle / senior managers, and know how develop and bring to the objectives of the company, organize the work of the team, motivate to achieve the goals the company. I effectively shape collaborative relationships with subordinates, internal and external customers to develop and maintain partnerships to achieve these goals.

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