Gennadii Vykhodtsev is a businessman, CEO to the Foxtrot Group of Companies (FGC). Besides, Gennadii Vykhodtsev is the serving chairman of the board of founders of the Foxtrot Group of Companies.

2. In 1981, he graduated from the M. Horkiy State Pedagogical University of Kyiv. In 1991, it was renamed to the M. Drakhomanov National Pedagogical University, a higher educational institution of Ukraine of III-IV levels of accreditation. Gennadii Vykhodtsev has a diploma in General Engineering.
3. Institute of Polytechnic Sciences, Kyiv. Manager of State Administration. Upon graduation, Gennadii Vykhodtsev worked as a general engineering teacher in Kyiv secondary school №65.
From 1981 to 1983 he did his military service. Missile corps, Ukraine. After that, Gennadii Vykhodtsev worked as a master of industrial training at Kiev Construction Vocational School №20 for 7 years (from 1893 to 1990).

2004 – Gennadii Vykhodtsev cofounded the Foxtrot Group of Companies and headed its board of founders.
Under Gennadiy Vykhodtsev, it did not take long to the Foxtrot Group of Companies to gain the lead in its market segments: retail trade in household appliances, retail trade in watches, real estate management.
In 2006, Gennadii Vykhodtsev introduced the corporate social responsibility (CSR) standards currently implemented by every FGC brand.
In 2008, the Management Company of the Foxtrot Group of Companies was founded. A goal of the Management Company is to service FGC brands. And to raise the brands investment performance. Gennadii Vykhodtsev took the position of the Chief Executive Office to the Foxtrot Group of Companies. That time the first international audit of the Foxtrot Group of Companies was carried out.
NB! Since 2008, the Foxtrot Group of Companies and the brands it develops have been regularly audited by independent experts. The latter assess not only the Group’s economic performance but also completeness and reliability of its accounts. Audit reports always read “non-conformities – none”.
In 2015-2017, the Foxtrot Group of Companies found itself among the top-5 transparent companies. The business transparency ranking was made by the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Center.
For many years in a row, members of the Foxtrot Group of Companies have found themselves among winners of the national contest "Choice of the Year in Ukraine" in the categories:
• Ranking «Choice of the Year», category "Kyiv Electronics Supermarket of the Year" – 2003 – 2005
• Ranking «Choice of the Year», category "Ukraine’s Best Electronics and Household Appliances Chain" – 2006 – 2011;
• Watch Shop of the Year – 2004 – 2006;
• Ranking «Customer’s Choice» – 2008 – 2018;
• Ranking «Favorites of Success» – 2009 – 2018;
• In 2011, the Foxtrot Chain joined Euronics – Europe’s largest buying group for consumer electronics and household appliances;
• In 2010-13, Deloitte & Touche included the chain «Foxtrot. Home Appliances» in the CEE Top 500 ranking.
In 2004, Gennady Vyhodtsev took up the position of the co-chairman of the All-Ukrainian project “Memory March" which aimed at preserving the historic memory of the people of Ukraine and giving support to military and labor veterans.
In 2006, the businessman headed the organizing committee of the All-Ukrainian social project “A big heart of a little life”. Ukraine’s Orthodox Church Mission for Social Care of Children and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine were partners of the project.
In 2009, he granted support to the charitable project “Dancing for You – 3" launched by the TV channel “1+1”. Under the project, couples of dancers competed for children under their care to have their dreams come true. Every couple included a celebrity and a professional dancer. Every week a couple dropped out of the project. Three couples came through to the final to compete for dreams of children under their care. Viewers sent SMS to vote for the couples. Dancer Oleksandr Leschenko and rhythmic gymnast Hanna Bezsonova were the winners. But under the project “Dancing for You” not only the child for whom the winners danced but also all the rest young participants got presents from Foxtrot. Home Appliances. Foxtrot was not an official sponsor of this charitable TV show. But, according to Gennadii Vykhodtsev, it was necessary to “make children’s dreams come true just here, just now. That is why we gave presents – digital cameras – to all the children who participated in the project”.

In 2010, Gennadii Vykhodtsev headed the board of the Social Center Perspektyva, Kyiv. It finds itself in the Lisoviy residential area, Gennadii Vykhodtsev’s home area. Today it is the Desnianskiy district of Kyiv. The social center addresses local communities’ social and economic problems, guards their interests, and provides for the area inhabitants’ legal protection and personal development.

In 2013, Gennady Vyhodtsev initiated the all-Ukraine social project "Eco Class", and the Foxtrot chain supported and implemented it in partnership with the National Ecology and Nature Center at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Over 2002 – 2019, Foxtrot has been a partner of the International dance sport tournament “Parade of Hopes”. FGC has been sponsoring this Ukrainian "Blackpool dance festival" for 17 years. Ukraine’s most famous dance festival and tournament was initiated by Valentyna Fedorchuk, an honored dance coach, the chairwoman of Ukraine’s Dance Sport Association judge board and the president of the Fedorchuk Dance School (Youth Dance Sport School “Sport Dance”).

Besides, due to Gennady Vyhodtsev’s personal support, the Parade of Hopes always includes a foxtrot competition. By the way, FGC’s Foxtrot Cup is the world’s only cup in this category, and it is Gennady Vyhodtsev’s know-how.

In 2018-2019, FGC cooperated with and sponsored the All-Ukrainian Reporter Quest Game “Create Your Safety Area”. In 2019, the quest game was a part of the All-Ukrainian Reporter Festival "Azov Summer-2019". Berdiansk Mayor V. Chepurniy expressed gratitude to Gennadii Vykhodtsev for assistance in raising safety awareness.
А series of presentations of the Ukrainian writer Tatiana Tsoi's book "I don't care what people say" took place in 2020,. The first print was made by Bilka Publishing with the support of Gennady Vyhodtsev personally and the Foxtrot Group of Companies.
The mentioned ranking covered the best eco programs implemented by Ukrainian companies in 2018 to modernize production, optimize the use of natural resources, and effectively manage their industrial or commercial waste.
Foxtrot Group of Companies found itself among Ukraine’s top eco programs in the 2019 ranking due to the corporate program "Green Office" aimed at minimization of the use of natural resources and the all-Ukrainian educational and social project "Eco Class" that targets schoolchildren.
Foxtrot Group of Companies’ corporate movement «Green Office» started with FGC employee initiatives and received personal support from Gennadii Vykhodtsev.
In 2006, Gennadii Vykhodtsev signed the UN Global Compact. This project initiated by the Earth’s leading international organization stimulates and inspires businesses to become socially responsible and work in harmony with their communities.
The UN Global Compact clearly defines 10 principles to be followed by socially responsible companies. Ideally, every business should meet these principles in the future. The 10 principles correspond to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and its mission to boost sustainable development to save the Earth as the human habitat. Having signed the UN Global Compact, Gennadii Vykhodtsev also committed to join the global movement «Go green».
When developing the FGC corporate eco rules in Kyiv, Foxtrot experts and activists based themselves on the UN Global Compact commitment. For it to be in tune with the international initiatives, the social project was named "Green Office". It covers 4 aspects of the Group’s office, trade and production activities.
2. Idle equipment is always in the sleep mode. Equipment is always powered off at night and at the weekends.
3. Maximum use of sunlight.
4. Lights are not left on when rooms or spaces are not in use.
2. The company buys only the paper made from recycled paper bleached with chlorine-free chemicals.
3. Double-used paper is collected in separate boxes. Due to Gennadii Vykhodtsev, paper waste has been collected separately in FGC for 10 years. Collected paper waste is brought for recycling. The raised money is spent by corporate volunteers to support charitable projects or arrange green spaces near the FGC office.
Besides, FGC employees are highly recommended to close all windows when air conditioners are turned on. Modern bathroom fitments enable the company to reduce water consumption. Single-use plates and cups are frowned upon in the FGC office, and plastic bottles and caps are collected separately to be brought for recycling.
• it has saved 2 mln liters of fresh water over the past 10 years,
• it has saved 18,882 trees – the equivalent of 36,267 kg of paper collected by the Green Office volunteers for recycling,
• it has saved 34,300 kW due to insulated walls, efficient air conditioning, rational energy consumption,
• it has collected 1193 kg of plastics to be recycled.
Besides, Gennadii Vykhodtsev supported a series of eco labeling courses for the Foxtrot chain employees, for each of them to be able to tell customers about environmental advantages of the household appliances they buy. Such eco courses contribute to developing environmental thinking in Ukrainians. Whatever they are – customers, Foxtrot sales people or FGC clerks.
The company annually reports on its progress towards the UN Global Compact goals and includes all its CSR-related activities, including ecological projects, in its reports. The reports are published on the web portal of this international organization.
In 2008, the Ukraine’s Orthodox Church conferred the Order of St. Equal to Apostles Prince Vladimir, 3rd Class, to Gennadii Vykhodtsev for helping the Church to take care of children deprived of parental care (the social project «A big heart of a little life»).
In 2008, the National Business Ranking named Gennadii Vykhodtsev the Industry Leader. The status “The Industry Leader” is granted to individuals who own (manage) the companies that are economic leaders. The ranking is based on the data from the Statistics Service of Ukraine. The ranking motto is the Latin phrase "In factum veritas" (the truth is in facts). That is why both Ukrainian and foreign investors recognize the National Business Ranking.
In 2010, he received a commendation from the Prime Minister of Ukraine “for significant contribution to reforming the domestic trade, forming the market infrastructure in Ukraine, developing business, and the years of dedicated work".
In 2013, Gennadii Vykhodtsev was presented with the commemorative award pin «70 Years of Clearing Ukraine from Fascist Aggressors" upon the initiative of the Veterans Council of the Solomiansky District of Kyiv on occasion of the 10th anniversary of the social project “Memory March”.

2013-2016 – social project “Eco Class”. Gennady Vykhodtsev’s efforts to provide schoolchildren with ecological education and encourage Ukrainians to follow an ecofriendly life style was appreciated by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. It granted a commendation to Gennady Vykhodtsev, CEO of the Foxtrot Group of Companies, for supporting eco projects and implementing eco standards in Ukrainians’ lives.

2016 – the support granted to 40th Jubilee All-Ukrainian Finals of the Young Traffic Policemen Competition was appreciated by the National Police of Ukraine. Gennadii Vykhodtsev received a commendation from Deputy Head of the National Police of Ukraine, Head of the Traffic Police of Ukraine and Head of the Traffic Safety Department at the National Police of Ukraine. FGC joined this project when implementing its corporate social project “Safety School” under the slogan «You feel comfortable where you feel safe».
In 2017, Gennadii Vykhodtsev received a commendation from Deputy Head of the National Police of Ukraine, Head of the Traffic Police of Ukraine. For what? For the support granted to the all-Ukrainian children’s competition «Young generation for traffic safety» and the all-Ukrainian convention of young traffic policemen in Odesa-based center “Moloda Hvardia”. FGC joined the convention under its corporate social project «Safety School».
In 2018, Gennadii Vykhodtsev received a commendation from Head of State Emergency Service in Mykolaiv Oblast for supporting the campaign «Let’s Make Our Life Safe». It was carried out as a part of the FGC social project “Safety School” under the slogan “You feel comfortable where you feel safe”.
In 2018, Head of State Emergency Service in Zaporizhzhia Oblast expressed gratitude to Gennadii Vykhodtsev for the support granted to the Safety Days and the fire and emergency prevention festival for schoolchildren. FGC was a partner of the project under its social project «Safety School”.
2019 – a commendation from the president of the Youth Dance Sport School «Sport Dance». It was granted for Gennadiy Vykhodtsev and FGC’s years-long support to dance sport in Ukraine. And on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the international tournament «Parade of Hopes».

2019 – a commendation to Gennadiy Vykhodtsev from Berdiansk Mayor V. Chepurniy for the support granted to the all-Ukrainian civil defense quest game for reporters “Create Your Safety Area”. It was a part of the All-Ukrainian Reporter Festival "Azov Summer-2019". FGC was a partner of the quest game under its corporate social project «Safety School”.
So what it is about? In 2014, Gennadiy Vykhodtsev ran for a seat in the Kyiv City Council (voting area 20, Desnisnskiy district of Kyiv). The election took place on May 25, 2014.
His principal rival was said to be Boryslav Bereza who stood as a MP candidate in voting area 213 (Desnianskiy district) that same year. There has never been any struggle between Vykhodtsev and Bereza.
– It was an initiative of inhabitants of the Lisoviy district of Kyiv to nominate me as a city council candidate. It is my so called home area. We have been running a lot of social projects there, – Gennadii Vykhodtsev says. – But that time my name – Gennadii Vykhodtsev as a brand – gave way to the Udar political party – it was popular that time and its candidate, Andriy Bilozir, became the winner. And I consider my involvement in the election camopaing-2014 to be a useful life lesson. You can manage change only where you are maximally effective. That is why today I’m giving all my energy to FGC brands. And I spend my leisure time with my family – my children and my wife Iryna.
There is a list of famous Cancer male celebrities in support of this statement – Gennadii Vykhodtsev finds himself in the company of Elon Musk, Sylvester Stallone, Tom Cruise, Pierre Cardin, Giorgio Armani, etc.

The best description of FGC CEO’s hobby can be his own words:
Collections: Apart from his major hobby, Gennadii Vykhodtsev collects fishing tackle: spinning rods, reels, fishing clothes. He prefers Shimano spinning rods.
Favorite dishes: fish soup, salted fish, smoked fish
Favorite musician: Andrey Makarevich
Favorite plant: Gennadii Vykhodtsev says it is the birch but people say he likes roses, Kyiv linden and chestnut trees.
Vykhodtsev’s favorite sport: court tennis
He likes team sports.
Over the past 12 years (since 2006) the Foxtrot Group of Companies has been conducting corporate mini footfall tournaments due to Gennadii Vykhodtsev’s support. Every autumn corporate teams from Kyiv and oblasts of Ukraine spend two days competing for the Foxtrot Cup. The fact that 12 such tournaments have already taken place proves Vykhodtsev and his team to have common values: leadership, responsibility and rationality.Over the past 12 years (since 2006) the Foxtrot Group of Companies has been conducting corporate mini footfall tournaments due to Gennadii Vykhodtsev’s support. Every autumn corporate teams from Kyiv and oblasts of Ukraine spend two days competing for the Foxtrot Cup. The fact that 12 such tournaments have already taken place proves Vykhodtsev and his team to have common values: leadership, responsibility and rationality.

© Foxtrot Group
Text and photos are published under CC BY 4.0 License
Gennadii Vykhodtsev – biography
Gennadii Vykhodtsev was born on July 5, 1960 in Kyiv. He spent his childhood in the Lisoviy residential area (Bykivnia micro district). Today it is the Desnianskiy district of Kyiv located on the left bank of the Dnipro River. That is why a wide range of the public initiatives and social projects launched by the Foxtrot Group of Companies and Gennadii Vykhodtsev in person targets the Desnianskiy district of Kyiv.Gennadii Vykhodtsev – education, first job
1. In 1977, he finished school №23 in Kyiv.2. In 1981, he graduated from the M. Horkiy State Pedagogical University of Kyiv. In 1991, it was renamed to the M. Drakhomanov National Pedagogical University, a higher educational institution of Ukraine of III-IV levels of accreditation. Gennadii Vykhodtsev has a diploma in General Engineering.
3. Institute of Polytechnic Sciences, Kyiv. Manager of State Administration. Upon graduation, Gennadii Vykhodtsev worked as a general engineering teacher in Kyiv secondary school №65.
From 1981 to 1983 he did his military service. Missile corps, Ukraine. After that, Gennadii Vykhodtsev worked as a master of industrial training at Kiev Construction Vocational School №20 for 7 years (from 1893 to 1990).
Gennadii Vykhodtsev – businessman
In 1994, Gennadii Vykhodtsev and his partner Valery Makovetsky launched a wholesale electronics imports business. They entered the market in the midst of the state-controlled economy collapse in Ukraine and a “somewhat” nervous transformation of it first into a transition system and then into a market system of independent Ukraine. That is why the businessman had to literally scan the market step by step – ran both wholesale and retail businesses in the segments of electronics and household appliances. Together with his partners, Gennadii Vykhodtsev opened their first outlet under the Foxtrot brand in Kharkiv.2004 – Gennadii Vykhodtsev cofounded the Foxtrot Group of Companies and headed its board of founders.
Under Gennadiy Vykhodtsev, it did not take long to the Foxtrot Group of Companies to gain the lead in its market segments: retail trade in household appliances, retail trade in watches, real estate management.
In 2006, Gennadii Vykhodtsev introduced the corporate social responsibility (CSR) standards currently implemented by every FGC brand.
In 2008, the Management Company of the Foxtrot Group of Companies was founded. A goal of the Management Company is to service FGC brands. And to raise the brands investment performance. Gennadii Vykhodtsev took the position of the Chief Executive Office to the Foxtrot Group of Companies. That time the first international audit of the Foxtrot Group of Companies was carried out.
NB! Since 2008, the Foxtrot Group of Companies and the brands it develops have been regularly audited by independent experts. The latter assess not only the Group’s economic performance but also completeness and reliability of its accounts. Audit reports always read “non-conformities – none”.
In 2015-2017, the Foxtrot Group of Companies found itself among the top-5 transparent companies. The business transparency ranking was made by the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Center.
For many years in a row, members of the Foxtrot Group of Companies have found themselves among winners of the national contest "Choice of the Year in Ukraine" in the categories:
• Ranking «Choice of the Year», category "Kyiv Electronics Supermarket of the Year" – 2003 – 2005
• Ranking «Choice of the Year», category "Ukraine’s Best Electronics and Household Appliances Chain" – 2006 – 2011;
• Watch Shop of the Year – 2004 – 2006;
• Ranking «Customer’s Choice» – 2008 – 2018;
• Ranking «Favorites of Success» – 2009 – 2018;
• In 2011, the Foxtrot Chain joined Euronics – Europe’s largest buying group for consumer electronics and household appliances;
• In 2010-13, Deloitte & Touche included the chain «Foxtrot. Home Appliances» in the CEE Top 500 ranking.
Gennadii Vykhodtsev – public life
In 2001, Gennadiy Vykhodtsev entered the board of trustees of the Social Center for the Perspektyva-Vynohradar micro district, Kyiv.In 2004, Gennady Vyhodtsev took up the position of the co-chairman of the All-Ukrainian project “Memory March" which aimed at preserving the historic memory of the people of Ukraine and giving support to military and labor veterans.
In 2006, the businessman headed the organizing committee of the All-Ukrainian social project “A big heart of a little life”. Ukraine’s Orthodox Church Mission for Social Care of Children and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine were partners of the project.
In 2009, he granted support to the charitable project “Dancing for You – 3" launched by the TV channel “1+1”. Under the project, couples of dancers competed for children under their care to have their dreams come true. Every couple included a celebrity and a professional dancer. Every week a couple dropped out of the project. Three couples came through to the final to compete for dreams of children under their care. Viewers sent SMS to vote for the couples. Dancer Oleksandr Leschenko and rhythmic gymnast Hanna Bezsonova were the winners. But under the project “Dancing for You” not only the child for whom the winners danced but also all the rest young participants got presents from Foxtrot. Home Appliances. Foxtrot was not an official sponsor of this charitable TV show. But, according to Gennadii Vykhodtsev, it was necessary to “make children’s dreams come true just here, just now. That is why we gave presents – digital cameras – to all the children who participated in the project”.
In 2010, Gennadii Vykhodtsev headed the board of the Social Center Perspektyva, Kyiv. It finds itself in the Lisoviy residential area, Gennadii Vykhodtsev’s home area. Today it is the Desnianskiy district of Kyiv. The social center addresses local communities’ social and economic problems, guards their interests, and provides for the area inhabitants’ legal protection and personal development.
In 2013, Gennady Vyhodtsev initiated the all-Ukraine social project "Eco Class", and the Foxtrot chain supported and implemented it in partnership with the National Ecology and Nature Center at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Over 2002 – 2019, Foxtrot has been a partner of the International dance sport tournament “Parade of Hopes”. FGC has been sponsoring this Ukrainian "Blackpool dance festival" for 17 years. Ukraine’s most famous dance festival and tournament was initiated by Valentyna Fedorchuk, an honored dance coach, the chairwoman of Ukraine’s Dance Sport Association judge board and the president of the Fedorchuk Dance School (Youth Dance Sport School “Sport Dance”).
Besides, due to Gennady Vyhodtsev’s personal support, the Parade of Hopes always includes a foxtrot competition. By the way, FGC’s Foxtrot Cup is the world’s only cup in this category, and it is Gennady Vyhodtsev’s know-how.
In 2018-2019, FGC cooperated with and sponsored the All-Ukrainian Reporter Quest Game “Create Your Safety Area”. In 2019, the quest game was a part of the All-Ukrainian Reporter Festival "Azov Summer-2019". Berdiansk Mayor V. Chepurniy expressed gratitude to Gennadii Vykhodtsev for assistance in raising safety awareness.
А series of presentations of the Ukrainian writer Tatiana Tsoi's book "I don't care what people say" took place in 2020,. The first print was made by Bilka Publishing with the support of Gennady Vyhodtsev personally and the Foxtrot Group of Companies.
Gennadii Vykhodtsev’s projects on sustainable development and environment
In 2019, the all-Ukrainian business weekly “Vlast Deneg” (Power of Money) ranked top-20 environmental programs implemented by Ukrainian and foreign companies in Ukraine. The ranking did not include eco product makers and installers. For instance, the companies that produce monocrystalline panels or mount solar power plants. Such companies are usually included in specialized commercial rankings.The mentioned ranking covered the best eco programs implemented by Ukrainian companies in 2018 to modernize production, optimize the use of natural resources, and effectively manage their industrial or commercial waste.
Foxtrot Group of Companies found itself among Ukraine’s top eco programs in the 2019 ranking due to the corporate program "Green Office" aimed at minimization of the use of natural resources and the all-Ukrainian educational and social project "Eco Class" that targets schoolchildren.
Foxtrot Group of Companies’ corporate movement «Green Office» started with FGC employee initiatives and received personal support from Gennadii Vykhodtsev.
In 2006, Gennadii Vykhodtsev signed the UN Global Compact. This project initiated by the Earth’s leading international organization stimulates and inspires businesses to become socially responsible and work in harmony with their communities.
The UN Global Compact clearly defines 10 principles to be followed by socially responsible companies. Ideally, every business should meet these principles in the future. The 10 principles correspond to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and its mission to boost sustainable development to save the Earth as the human habitat. Having signed the UN Global Compact, Gennadii Vykhodtsev also committed to join the global movement «Go green».
When developing the FGC corporate eco rules in Kyiv, Foxtrot experts and activists based themselves on the UN Global Compact commitment. For it to be in tune with the international initiatives, the social project was named "Green Office". It covers 4 aspects of the Group’s office, trade and production activities.
Reducing electric energy consumption
1. Employees are provided with up-to-date office appliances of the highest energy efficiency class that consume less energy than "ancient" analogues.2. Idle equipment is always in the sleep mode. Equipment is always powered off at night and at the weekends.
3. Maximum use of sunlight.
4. Lights are not left on when rooms or spaces are not in use.
Reducing use of paper, proper management of paper waste
1. An e-document management system has been implemented. There is the subscription “Please do not print this email unless it is necessary” on most e-mails sent by employees of the Foxtrot Group of Companies in Kyiv. Both sides of paper sheets are used for copying or printing in the company.2. The company buys only the paper made from recycled paper bleached with chlorine-free chemicals.
3. Double-used paper is collected in separate boxes. Due to Gennadii Vykhodtsev, paper waste has been collected separately in FGC for 10 years. Collected paper waste is brought for recycling. The raised money is spent by corporate volunteers to support charitable projects or arrange green spaces near the FGC office.
Besides, FGC employees are highly recommended to close all windows when air conditioners are turned on. Modern bathroom fitments enable the company to reduce water consumption. Single-use plates and cups are frowned upon in the FGC office, and plastic bottles and caps are collected separately to be brought for recycling.
Results of Gennadii Vykhodtsev’s team 10-year work in Green Office
In 2019, the FGC Dorohozhychi-based Green Office (Kyiv) celebrates its 10-year anniversary. The results it can be pound of are as follows:• it has saved 2 mln liters of fresh water over the past 10 years,
• it has saved 18,882 trees – the equivalent of 36,267 kg of paper collected by the Green Office volunteers for recycling,
• it has saved 34,300 kW due to insulated walls, efficient air conditioning, rational energy consumption,
• it has collected 1193 kg of plastics to be recycled.
Besides, Gennadii Vykhodtsev supported a series of eco labeling courses for the Foxtrot chain employees, for each of them to be able to tell customers about environmental advantages of the household appliances they buy. Such eco courses contribute to developing environmental thinking in Ukrainians. Whatever they are – customers, Foxtrot sales people or FGC clerks.
The company annually reports on its progress towards the UN Global Compact goals and includes all its CSR-related activities, including ecological projects, in its reports. The reports are published on the web portal of this international organization.
Gennadii Vykhodtsev: awards, commendations, regalia
In 2007, Gennadii Vykhodtsev was awarded the Lesia Ukrainka order “For Good Deeds” for his contribution to development of the civil society in Ukraine.In 2008, the Ukraine’s Orthodox Church conferred the Order of St. Equal to Apostles Prince Vladimir, 3rd Class, to Gennadii Vykhodtsev for helping the Church to take care of children deprived of parental care (the social project «A big heart of a little life»).
In 2008, the National Business Ranking named Gennadii Vykhodtsev the Industry Leader. The status “The Industry Leader” is granted to individuals who own (manage) the companies that are economic leaders. The ranking is based on the data from the Statistics Service of Ukraine. The ranking motto is the Latin phrase "In factum veritas" (the truth is in facts). That is why both Ukrainian and foreign investors recognize the National Business Ranking.
In 2010, he received a commendation from the Prime Minister of Ukraine “for significant contribution to reforming the domestic trade, forming the market infrastructure in Ukraine, developing business, and the years of dedicated work".
In 2013, Gennadii Vykhodtsev was presented with the commemorative award pin «70 Years of Clearing Ukraine from Fascist Aggressors" upon the initiative of the Veterans Council of the Solomiansky District of Kyiv on occasion of the 10th anniversary of the social project “Memory March”.
2013-2016 – social project “Eco Class”. Gennady Vykhodtsev’s efforts to provide schoolchildren with ecological education and encourage Ukrainians to follow an ecofriendly life style was appreciated by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. It granted a commendation to Gennady Vykhodtsev, CEO of the Foxtrot Group of Companies, for supporting eco projects and implementing eco standards in Ukrainians’ lives.
2016 – the support granted to 40th Jubilee All-Ukrainian Finals of the Young Traffic Policemen Competition was appreciated by the National Police of Ukraine. Gennadii Vykhodtsev received a commendation from Deputy Head of the National Police of Ukraine, Head of the Traffic Police of Ukraine and Head of the Traffic Safety Department at the National Police of Ukraine. FGC joined this project when implementing its corporate social project “Safety School” under the slogan «You feel comfortable where you feel safe».
In 2017, Gennadii Vykhodtsev received a commendation from Deputy Head of the National Police of Ukraine, Head of the Traffic Police of Ukraine. For what? For the support granted to the all-Ukrainian children’s competition «Young generation for traffic safety» and the all-Ukrainian convention of young traffic policemen in Odesa-based center “Moloda Hvardia”. FGC joined the convention under its corporate social project «Safety School».
In 2018, Gennadii Vykhodtsev received a commendation from Head of State Emergency Service in Mykolaiv Oblast for supporting the campaign «Let’s Make Our Life Safe». It was carried out as a part of the FGC social project “Safety School” under the slogan “You feel comfortable where you feel safe”.
In 2018, Head of State Emergency Service in Zaporizhzhia Oblast expressed gratitude to Gennadii Vykhodtsev for the support granted to the Safety Days and the fire and emergency prevention festival for schoolchildren. FGC was a partner of the project under its social project «Safety School”.
2019 – a commendation from the president of the Youth Dance Sport School «Sport Dance». It was granted for Gennadiy Vykhodtsev and FGC’s years-long support to dance sport in Ukraine. And on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the international tournament «Parade of Hopes».
2019 – a commendation to Gennadiy Vykhodtsev from Berdiansk Mayor V. Chepurniy for the support granted to the all-Ukrainian civil defense quest game for reporters “Create Your Safety Area”. It was a part of the All-Ukrainian Reporter Festival "Azov Summer-2019". FGC was a partner of the quest game under its corporate social project «Safety School”.
Sensitive information about Gennadiy Vykhodtsev
All the sensitive information about Gennadiy Vykhodtsev available online deals with Boryslav Bereza and elections. «Friends» put every Gennadiy Vykhodtsev’s initiative under a microscope and the only thing they dug up was the rivalry between Vykhodtsev and Bereza. And this thing seems funny as there was no rivalry.So what it is about? In 2014, Gennadiy Vykhodtsev ran for a seat in the Kyiv City Council (voting area 20, Desnisnskiy district of Kyiv). The election took place on May 25, 2014.
His principal rival was said to be Boryslav Bereza who stood as a MP candidate in voting area 213 (Desnianskiy district) that same year. There has never been any struggle between Vykhodtsev and Bereza.
– It was an initiative of inhabitants of the Lisoviy district of Kyiv to nominate me as a city council candidate. It is my so called home area. We have been running a lot of social projects there, – Gennadii Vykhodtsev says. – But that time my name – Gennadii Vykhodtsev as a brand – gave way to the Udar political party – it was popular that time and its candidate, Andriy Bilozir, became the winner. And I consider my involvement in the election camopaing-2014 to be a useful life lesson. You can manage change only where you are maximally effective. That is why today I’m giving all my energy to FGC brands. And I spend my leisure time with my family – my children and my wife Iryna.
Unofficial Gennadii Vykhodtsev
The most interesting stories about any person are those about their hobbies and attitudes. That is why let us share information about unofficial Gennadii Vykhodtsev – a person who likes sports, travelling and high-quality music.Gennadii Vykhodtsev’s Zodiac sign
Gennadii Vykhodtsev is a Cancer. As businessmen, Cancer men show their best character traits – drivenness, determination and self-restraint. They always go the whole way. They are reliable partners. That is why you can always be sure of positive results when dealing with Cancer men.There is a list of famous Cancer male celebrities in support of this statement – Gennadii Vykhodtsev finds himself in the company of Elon Musk, Sylvester Stallone, Tom Cruise, Pierre Cardin, Giorgio Armani, etc.
Gennadii Vykhodtsev’s hobbies
Hobbies: Sports, travelling and fishing. Or, as Gennadii Vykhodtsev says, "travelling all over the world in search of fishing spots". His sons share his fishing hobby. He prefers spin fishing. He went fishing in Finland, Norway, at Kamchatka and on Lake Titicaca located on the border of Bolivia and Peru.The best description of FGC CEO’s hobby can be his own words:
Fishing is like meditating. Fishing is a special state of mind, a communion with nature
Collections: Apart from his major hobby, Gennadii Vykhodtsev collects fishing tackle: spinning rods, reels, fishing clothes. He prefers Shimano spinning rods.
Favorite dishes: fish soup, salted fish, smoked fish
Favorite musician: Andrey Makarevich
Favorite plant: Gennadii Vykhodtsev says it is the birch but people say he likes roses, Kyiv linden and chestnut trees.
Vykhodtsev’s favorite sport: court tennis
He likes team sports.
Over the past 12 years (since 2006) the Foxtrot Group of Companies has been conducting corporate mini footfall tournaments due to Gennadii Vykhodtsev’s support. Every autumn corporate teams from Kyiv and oblasts of Ukraine spend two days competing for the Foxtrot Cup. The fact that 12 such tournaments have already taken place proves Vykhodtsev and his team to have common values: leadership, responsibility and rationality.Over the past 12 years (since 2006) the Foxtrot Group of Companies has been conducting corporate mini footfall tournaments due to Gennadii Vykhodtsev’s support. Every autumn corporate teams from Kyiv and oblasts of Ukraine spend two days competing for the Foxtrot Cup. The fact that 12 such tournaments have already taken place proves Vykhodtsev and his team to have common values: leadership, responsibility and rationality.
© Foxtrot Group
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