"Green" movie GCF - in the top three at the Festival of Social Advertising

Corporate video about life at the office of GC "Foxtrot", "+1 in karma!" Was created in 2013. Staff were asked how to study, live and work in eco-responsible "Foxtrot" and displayed as a work of students-winners of the Festival of student advertising "Crimea Safari 2013" - the team «M-TEAM».

"It's all about the positive! - Says team captain Christine Shehaytli. - For the "+1" in karma is obtained by employees of GC "Foxtrot", who joined the system corporate movement "Green Office"!

- It's not just a movie, it's a retrospective of eco-culture in the "Foxtrot", where every employee is socially responsible and look at all that surrounds through the lens of eco - explains the idea of working Alevtina Beletskaya, a spokesman for GC "Foxtrot". - thereby improving their karma, reinforcing the company and changing the world for the better.
A doubt - look video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJsuv5e9S9U

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