Special lesson in the "School of Safety"

The group of companies "Foxtrot" congratulates winners of finale of All-Ukrainian competition of youth creativity "Security in life - a life in safety" - and established a nomination "For proactive!", noting the work of students from the Donetsk region.
Ukrainian competition of youth creativity "Security in life - a life in safety" organized by activists of the All-Ukrainian public youth movement "Safety School" (VGDR "School of Safety") of regional departments of the State Service of Ukraine emergency departments (departments, divisions) of education, training and methodical centers of Civil Protection and security of life in regions of Ukraine.

On the district and regional stages of the competition was attended by about 20 thousand schoolchildren from age 6 to 18 years old, at the final stage was selected about 600 creative works out of 18 regions of Ukraine. Works of 147 participants jury determined as winners of the competition in 10 nominations ("Picture", "poster", "Crafts", "Crossword", "Video", "Movie", "Computer presentation", "Verse", "Story" "Illustration for the fairy tale."

In April, the organizers have begun sending mail diplomas and surprises to the winners. To the talented kids was putted into parcels a CD with the animated series "Fox and Trot to Rescue", filmed by trade network "Foxtrot. Home Appliances "in the framework of a social project GKF"School of Safety ".  In addition, for the first time in its history, the social project "School of Safety" a business has initiated in the contest a nomination "For proactive!"

- We have decided to separate out those students of the Donetsk region who are not postponed participation in the "School of safety" until better times - and won - said a spokesman for GK "Foxtrot" Alevtina Beletskaya. - These children have not only a vital skills of safe behavior, creative nature, they have the will to change their and others' lives for the better. Thank you for this lesson in our "School of Safety"!

- Our surprises will quickly find their heroes, because the initiative to deliver the prizes for these guys took come from the regional educational center of civil protection and life safety, which also moved from the area ATO - says Alla Negrienko, chairman of the All-Ukrainian youth movement "Safety School". - Thanks to the Group of companies "Foxtrot", the trade network "Foxtrot. Home Appliances" for their support of our efforts in promoting the most important rules for the kids - how to be alive and healthy.

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