"Foxtrot" and Christmas tales from the "School of Safety"

Award ceremony and output storybook "Fairy Rescue" became final All-Ukrainian competition of youth creativity "Security in life - a life in safety" -2013. Already at Christmas gifts from the contest organizers and "Foxtrot" were winners of the contest - creative children who respect and promote safety among peers.

At the end of 2013 completed Ukrainian competition of youth creativity "Security in life - a life in security", organized by the Ukrainian public movement child "School Safety" (VGDR "Safety School") with the assistance of the State Service of Ukraine of Emergencies, Ministry of Youth and Sports Ukraine, training centers for Civil Protection and Safety areas of Ukraine. Creative competition partner acted Group "Foxtrot", expanding the boundaries of its own social project "Safety School" under the motto "Comfortably where it is safe."

Around important social problems united adults and children, because the mortality from accidents outside work in 2012 was 978 children under the age of 14 years. The purpose of creative competition "Security in life - a life in safety" - noble: advocacy for children and youth healthy and safe lifestyle, developing a culture of life and the formation of a safe and responsible attitude to personal and collective security.

The competition was conducted in three phases: the school (district), regional (qualifying) and Ukrainian (final). The competition attracted more than 10 000 children aged 6 to 17 years. At the final stage of the competition received more than 500 works from 17 regions of Ukraine. As a result, the Contest winners in three age categories were 105 people and more than 100 children were awarded diplomas.

Jurors considered works in two directions - the literary and artistic. And in 10 categories: (a story, tale, poem, crossword, drawing, poster, picture, crafts, video and computer presentation, illustration for a literary work). As a result, the Grand Prix of the contest are:
• Alina Seredyuk from Kremenchug Lyceum. Ulas Samchuka (Ternopil region) for a unique work of art "Angels" (topics "Rescue the eyes of children");
• Irina Movchan of Konstantinovka Donetsk region - for the wonderful illustrations for the collection of fairy tales and a poem about the ABCs of security on the Internet;
• Wild Elena from Ternopil - for social video advertising "Diary secure student" (topics "We - for a healthy lifestyle.")
The best in the category "Needlework" admitted 14-year-old Marina Serbin of Chernihiv region to work on environmental issues, "Nature - my house." In the category "Figure" in the older age category 1st place won Oksana mark of Rivne for drawing "Night fire in the village."
The culmination of the competition was the publication of the book "Fairy Rescue" under the heading "Authors - children" for preschool and primary school age. This is a collection of 16 stories - the best of contestants "Security in life - a life in safety."

- More than 20 children drew illustrations for publication, they were looking forward to the appearance of the book - says Alla Negrienko, head VGDR "Safety School" and initiator of the project. - We were amazed by the creativity and erudition contestants who are the authors of fairy tales on the theme of safety, and children who created them extremely interesting illustration. Therefore requested "Foxtrot", as our partners, noting as many students.

All the talented children in parcels with diplomas and surprises organizers put the disc with the animated series "Fox Trot and Rescue", filmed trade network "Foxtrot. Home Appliances ".

Over the past year, "Foxtrot" actively assisted in the struggle for the safety of children: with the help of specialists GSCHS Ukraine was held about 20 Lessons security on which the children watched educational cartoons "Fox Trot and Rescue", studied the main safety rules with these rescuers and leading - chanterelles Fox. Several thousand CDs with educational cartoons about the adventures of the Fox Trot and were transferred to the educational institutions of different regions of Ukraine. And for better assimilation of new knowledge "fokstrotovtsy" transferred tens of thousands of leaflets "Fire Action correct" based on the animated series.

- Every child should have the basic skills and safety is aimed at our social project "Safety School" - he said, welcoming the winners, co-founder of the Group of companies "Foxtrot" Gennady Hispanics. - All year we are working with partners in Ukraine and GSCHS VGDR "Safety School" worked in educational institutions, houses of culture, training centers for Civil Protection and Safety, squares Ukrainian cities near supermarkets "Foxtrot". We teach the children safety rules for fun and informative classes safety. And along with it - thanks for being proactive hundreds of children who take part in the rally teams of young firefighters, competitions young rescuers' safety school. " We hope that the award winners of the "Safety in life - a life in safety" -2013 at the beginning of the new year will be a good incentive for future victories of our young activists.
Organizers of the "School Safety", will continue to work in the new year to teach more young Ukrainian rules of conduct that make life and comfortable and safe!

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