+5 791 in our karma!

Staff of the Central Office of Foxtrot Group of companies supported collecting lids within the 6 anniversary of the volunteer corporate project "Green Office".

On July 7 the action of collecting plastic lids "With the world on a lid!" started at office on 1 Dorogozhitska st., within the 6 anniversary of "Green office" and for the aid to disabled soldiers of anti-terrorist operation (in support of an initiative of OVES Charity foundation).

Active collecting plastic lids began literally from the first day: colleagues bore plastic even not in tens – hundreds. Organizers (curators of "Green office" in Foxtrot Group of companies) hardly managed to devastate boxing, as it was filled with multi-colored lids again and again. But, nevertheless, the last days of an action appeared the most active (naturally, all wanted to appear among winners on the eve of the announced competition). So, in 2 days prior to rewarding of activists the quantity of lids in boxing grew by 340%!

Due to high eco activity and a responsible position of each employee of office from July 7 till July 17 it was succeeded to collect 12,7 kg of plastic, and it is 5 791 lids.

There are activists of collecting covers: employees of Management Сompany FOXTROT Group, distribution networks "Secunda" and "Foxtrot. Home Appliances", the DDG companies, and also staff of the partner company “Media-Trading”.

"Volunteers of FOXTROT Group of companies and their partners are one of the first and the most active who joined to an action of collecting plastic covers for their further processing and prosthetics of disabled fighters of anti-terrorist operation. More than 12 kilograms of covers collected by you – are a record of week and improbable result” – Olga Ivanova, the design manager of OVES charity foundation emphasized.

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