Excellents "School Safety"

October 8 organizers of all-Ukrainian youth camp "Saver" award the best in the movement of young rescuers Ukraine.

200 students from 16 regions of Ukraine gathered on the basis of "Children's Health Center "Dnepr" and Mobile Rescue Center BFNC Ukraine "in Kyiv region.

AT During the week the young rescuers in age from 10 to 18 years participated in the workshops, training and field exercises for search and rescue work in emergency situations of natural and man-made disasters.

The organizers of the competition were made by activists of Ukrainian public children's movement "Safety School" with the support BFNC Ukraine, Ministry of Youth and Sports with the support of the Group of companies "Foxtrot".

The closing ceremony of the camp "Lifeguard" started with demonstration performances on range, where participants 10 teams demonstrated skills summary exercises: extinguished fire eliminated the accident in the area of chemical contamination (wore costumes L-1,masks), transport the victim from the area of smoke, saving conventional the victims of the disaster and the structure was recovered from the rubble, working with instruments Rigging, performed CPR.

Diplomas and surprises from the social partner movement handed students and professionals Group of companies "Foxtrot" as business support to move in the own eponymous social project "School Safety" slogan "Comfortable, where safety." We gave the competitors drives animated series "Fox Trot and rush to the aid "and timetable, inspired by the cartoon - told.

Press Secretary GK "Foxtrot" Alevtina Beletskaya. - We believe that the participants of competition will give these learning materials in their schools, and safety learn as much as possible the number of children.

After the competition, the competition organizers conducted a survey Participants: 100% of the respondents gave the highest rating of the camp and would like to to come back, 20% - expressed a desire to be rescuers, 20% - physicians.

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