Photo-story together with «Den`» and «Foxtrot»

On the 6th of November in Kiev city art gallery «Lavra» was the grand opening of 17th International photo-exhibition of «Den`» newspaper, artists of which were traditionally greeted by «Foxtrot. Home appliances» trading network.

Among the guests being invited – famous representatives of cultural, academic, political elite of Ukraine, leading companies, NGOs and the media. In pleasant atmosphere guests greeted the most talented photographers of the country, 350 works of whom became the retrospective of holidays and everyday life of Ukraine and the best presents for newspaper «Den`» birthday.

- Previous year when war actions started on the East of Ukraine we experienced extremely turbulent days: moved and organized the work of colleagues who lost job in Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Lisichansk, then arranged their children in camps, and then - all rejoiced together because of stores opening again in those cities and a sense of corporate team unity - said Alevtina Beletskaya, spokeswoman for "Foxtrot" Group of companies. 

- This exhibition is about how much we lost and how much accrued for the last year. "Foxtrot" as a business with artistic name is sincerely glad to support artists of «Den`» photo exhibition who so subtly feel the history and transfer through photos the feelings of Ukrainians.

This year about 200 participants sent 3200 photos. «Den`» jury chose 350 best photos outlined by event`s partners. This year activists in support of artists became trademarks «Foxtrot», «Coca-Cola»,«Nestle»,«Prominvestbank», «Kyivstar»,«Vegano hooligano»,«Adamant» and other UNDP. 

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