"Foxtrot" and "Youth for consumers' rights" at the consuming festival

On March 28th VIII consuming festival "Time to Act" of All-Ukrainian movement "Youth for consumers' rights", supported by "Foxtrot" Group of companies, was finished. The festival was organized by Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Ukrainian federation of consumers "Pulse" and Ukrainian society of commodity experts and technologists.

During the festival about 200 students and young scientists - activists of "Youth for consumers' rights" movement held more than fifty educational activities for consumers in educational institutions of Kyiv and Vinnitsa regions. Youth suggested solutions to the problems of consumer protection, involving to the dialogue the specialists in various areas.

Topics of discussion were relevant, for example “Reading the labels", "Branded life", "Alternative to fastfood", "Face control" and "Victim of Beauty” about the quality of cosmetics, "Water Wealth" about water quality and "Breakfast is a" battery" that charges for the whole day." Among the events - International Conference, flash mob, quest, 2 meetings with the signing of cooperation agreements; 2 master classes, 3 scientific seminars, 5 round tables, 7 excursions, 8 presentations, 15 public lectures, 25 workshops in schools.

At the closing ceremony of the festival "Time to Act" "Foxtrot" group of companies thanked the activists of the "Youth for consumers' rights" movement for proactive position and systematic actions in consumers’ informing.

- Sellers that work with consumers in the shops of "Foxtrot" brand systematically learn new trends and skills to provide high quality services, - said Alevtina Beletskaya, the "Foxtrot" group of companies press-secretary, while congratulating the activists of Ukrainian "Youth for consumers' rights" movement. - In 2015 nearly 400 commodity experts and deputy directors, sellers and consultants in 166 "Foxtrot" stores were trained in verifying the goods labeling. Reinforce of knowledge level was quite high - 9.8 out of 10 points possible (up to the testing results).

Workers of the "Foxtrot" trade network say that the greatest impact from consumer awareness skills training is increasing of customer loyalty to the brand (now the number of loyalty program participants is about 5 million of Ukrainians). Also another result of the study is significant: 90% of scheduled and unscheduled inspections that were conducted by Market supervision and Consumer protection inspection in the period since October 2015 until March 2016 were closed without violations. «It is not interesting to check "Foxtrot"... "- we heard during inspections.

- t’s good that now generally accepted thesis is that retail in Ukraine is the most law-abiding and active with consumers in the trade sector - says the executive director of network "Foxtrot" Vyacheslav Povroznik. - We improve the buyers’ protection, focus on the rules in this area, preventive measures, and this is the way for good work with the consumer. Because customer loyalty is a competitive advantage of each retailer.

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