Shopping for impressions on Foxtrot Network or "Forward on Impeccability"

The third annual Retail & Malls Summit, organized by Retail Platforma and Malls Club Ukraine & Belarus was held on 26 of April on the experience of working with a modern buyer through the prism of "shopping impressions". 

Marketing director of Foxtrot Alexei Filanovsky (author of the Main Marketing Book) performed At Retail & Malls Summit 2018. He stressed that every modern store should be individual and at the same time, fully comply with the platform retail segment. According to the speaker, the classical formula of retail like to meet certain purchasing needs in certain products at the best prices is no longer gives you the desired income in a competitive retail environment. 

Trendsetters of the retail industry are actively introducing "shopping impressions", expanding the range of parameters and proposals, satisfying the various wishes of the buyer, tired of constant voltage and stress, saturated with the dominance of the typical range. The organizers noted that the presentation of Alexei Filanovsky was a decoration of the event. Colleagues focused on his ability to present the material effectively, in clear vocabulary and deep immersion in the topic. The views of TOP management of the company on the marketing promotion of Foxtrot coincide with the understanding of the value with Filanovsky. In 2018 the network began restyling and plans to open up to 40 stores in an upgraded style. In April Foxtrot opened three new stores in Kiev, Kharkiv and Odessa, whose teams are ready to provide comfort and joy to anyone who will come to Foxtrot for positive impressions of an impeccable purchase.

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