13 years of support: SOS Children's Villages received the first tranche of aid from Foxtrot during the war

Foxtrot handed over appliances to families living in the Children's Villages SOS social family in Kyiv and Brovary, who were forced to leave their homes due to the Russian-Ukrainian war

At the beginning of 2023, the corporate headquarters of "Help to Our" was approached by long-time business partners – the International Charity Organization "BF SOS Children's Villages".

Foxtrot organized the transfer of 36 electric fans and electric kettles to families from Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions who temporarily live in the "Children's Villages" in Kyiv and Kyiv region. The transfer took place within the framework of the Foxtrot corporate program "Help to Our".

– From February 24, 2022, the charitable organization SOS Children's Villages expanded its territorial presence and geographical coverage due to the implementation of new programs and projects. We created new cells around us. And now the number of people we have helped is 113,000. From now on, we take care not only of orphans and family forms of raising children, but also help all vulnerable categories of people who find themselves in difficult life circumstances as a result of hostilities. We are grateful to the Foxtrot company for the fact that they found an opportunity to help,- said Nataliya Risinko, manager of corporate partnership of SOS Children's Villages.

– We have the record increase of new partners of Foxtrot in the social sphere at the expense of charitable assistance during wartime, but we must not forget about old and good partners, with whom the history of friendship goes back more than 10 years, – said Gennadii Vykhodtsev, chairman of the Board of Founders of Foxtrot Group. – We hope that the equipment transferred by us will ease the difficult living conditions of Ukrainian families from towns that have left the occupied regions.

We will remind you about the history of the partnership between Foxtrot and the "SOS Children's Villages" Charitable Foundation:

In 2010, Foxtrot provided technical assistance in the construction of the first social houses under the name "SOS Children's Villages" in Brovary.

In 2014, the trade network "Foxtrot. Appliances for the home started the charity project "We are together", collecting funds to help displaced people, who are cared for by the BF "SOS Children's Villages". Then the active sale of special souvenir products – postcards, magnets and notepads with symbols from the digital publishing house "Glowberry" – began in the stores of the network.

In 2015, thanks to the indifference of customers of the Foxtrot. Appliances for the home" funds were collected, with which 79 large families from the east of Ukraine organized the transfer of grocery sets and household items.

From 2016 to 2019, charity boxes of BF "SOS Children's Villages" were located in a number of shops in Kyiv and the region. After collection, the funds received were transferred to the organization of art therapy classes, thanks to which children overcome trauma and improve their psycho-emotional state.

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