Gratitude under the Christmas tree

Christmas trees still decorated the houses, but Santa Claus from Children's Social Movement "Safety School" and employees from "Foxtrot" brought under the Christmas tree awards for creative and talented young assistants who respects and promotes safety in life. After all it is comfortable if it is safe!

At the end of 2012 has ended the Ukrainian Competition of children and young people activity "Security in Life - Life in Safety." Organizers have summed up the competition. In the first days of January awards have found their owners through the regional centers of the Ukrainian Public Children's Movement "Safety School."

The aim of creative competition is noble. This is spreading healthy and safe lifestyle among children and youth, developing a culture of safety of life and the formation of a conscious and responsible attitude to personal and collective security. This is an important social problem: These were killed 1,016 children under the age of 14 years only in the 2011 in accidents, and for the first 9 months of 2012 - 785 children!

This year, a partner initiative of the "Safety School" Movement has once again become the "Foxtrot" Group of Companies. It was within its own social project " Safety School " under the motto «It is Comfortable if it is Safe!.» And the dissemination of information about the creative competition contributed the specialists from the State Office for Youth and Sports of Ukraine, the Public Council under the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine, specialists from regions training centers of civil protection and life safety in Ukraine.

More than 10,000 young men and women from Ukraine were attracted in the contest. There were about 500 works from 16 regions. They competed in two nominations - the literary and artistic, including 8 groups - fairy tale, a story, a poem, drawing, poster, photo, soft toys and crafts (works of beads, clay, straw, wood, etc.). In the final selection were identified 64 winners.

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