Retailers and government sit to the negotiating table

and combined efforts to protect the rights of consumers

December 11, during a round table "Changes in legislation - an effective mechanism for resolving the crisis in the system of protection of consumers' rights in Ukraine" Ukraine leaders Gospotrebinspektsii leading market players, retailers and world-renowned manufacturers of home appliances and electronics voiced recommendations for changes in the legislation governing consumer protection and job supervisors. The roundtable was organized under the auspices of the European Business Association at the invitation Gospotrebinspektsii Ukraine.

The initiative - the protection of civilized trade and consumer protection by improving the existing legislation on consumer protection. Market operators explained the situation, pointing out specific examples of the imperfections in the legal framework, as well as the devastating consequences of actions Gospotrebinspektsii industry and consumer protection in general.

Win a civilized market of home appliances and electronics in Ukraine up to 40%. Market leaders ─ trading network "Eldorado", "Foxtrot" and «Comfy» ─ came under scrutiny Gospotrebinspektsii and received a total of prescriptions for more than 500 mln. fines. Retailers do not just call them illegal, detrimental to business and such that have nothing to do with consumer protection. Opinion networks heard.

- The principal amount of penalties has been associated with the claims by banning the inspection documents. The specifics of doing business in that all accounting documents from the original producers, suppliers are in the central office and can not be at all points of sales. After checking all the main documentation claims no tolerance, and, consequently, by the principal amount of the fines removed - commented in the shops "Foxtrot".

- On the basis of these tests originated dialogue roundtable participants with Gospotrebinspektsiey, during which the agency confirmed that the networks do not counterfeit and non-certified products - said at a press briefing after the roundtable co-founder of the Group of companies "Foxtrot" Valery Makovetskii. - All the products we have the official, "white", certified and prepared for the Ukrainian market. Our products are properly secured guarantee and after-sales service. We have clearly shown where the industry are trouble spots, because we have one goal - to provide the people of Ukraine with quality products, so now we have almost all acute problems are removed.

- Networks are not a critical factor in terms of violations, and are bona fide businesses. The problem lies in the uncivilized retail - said CEO Network «Comfy» Gennady Verbilenko. - Everything is transparent in organized retail. Providers themselves also partly take on consumer protection. Unorganized retail - that's a factor of unfair competition, especially given the pressure of falling markets.
Roundtable participants drew attention to the imperfection of the legislation on consumer protection and on relevant issues in order to deliver information settlement commodity ─ household appliances and electronics, and ─ to consumers in retail stores.

"It is not a" bad "or" good "law and its interpretation by the executive. Revision requires working with modern network businesses, as well as Internet commerce, it is necessary to clarify and detail the procedure for conducting audits and penalties, "- says Maxim Baydyk, director of the legal department of a trading network" Eldorado ".

Negotiators suggested that a working group of representatives of business and expert community to amend the existing legislation and introduce it to the working group at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, which is currently working on changes to the legislation.
The discussion resulted in a Memorandum of Understanding between the State Inspectorate of Ukraine on protection of rights of consumers and companies - importers and networks "Foxtrot" and «Comfy» to combat counterfeit and contraband products in the consumer market of Ukraine. From importers Memorandum signed by the heads of representative offices Bosch-Siemens, Samsung Electronics Ukraine, Philips Ukraine, De'Longhi Ukraine, Indesit Ukraine, Gorenje.

- Member companies of the Committee retailers (large retail chains, for example, "Foxtrot", "Comfy") have direct contracts with representatives of manufacturers who supply products that were officially imported to Ukraine and consistent with national law - confirmed the words of Sergei retailers Maksimov, commercial director «Bosch-Siemens», Chairman of the Committee of Electrical Engineering of the European Business Association. - Member companies of the Association are ready to join the process of improvement of legislation to protect the rights of consumers and make a request to establish a working group with representatives from business and the authorities concerned.

Representatives of the trade network "Eldorado" refused to sign the Memorandum, stating that they are ready to take an active part in the development of amendments to the existing legislation, joined forces with key market players, but after a successful restore its impeccable reputation by challenging misconduct Gospotrebinspektsii in court.

- The Memorandum is open, we expect that to him, except the leading operators of the market, the addition of smaller market participants. This opens the door for a fair, transparent producers and distributors of home appliances Ukrainian market - invited the cooperation chapter Gospotrebinspektsii Serhiy Smith.

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